22H30 → 23H30 — GIG

Tó Trips

Subpalco [Under Stage], Teatro Rivoli, Porto.
Price: 7€.

Description: Guitarist of the melancholic and the luminous, fascinated by
real, internal, imaginary and impossible journeys. Tó Trips is, unquestionably,
one of the most remarkable Portuguese musicians of the last decades. From
the agitated times of Amen Sacristi, when he was still in high school, and the
memorable Lulu Blind, to Dead Combo, which he shares with Pedro Gonçalves,
passing through the solo experiences of ‘Guitarra 66’, ‘Guitarra Makaka’ and,
more recently, ‘Surdina’, Tó Trips has been present in the most innovative and
exciting projects of the national alternative music imaginary.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/totripsguitar

‘Guitarra 66’, 2014, Mbari Música
‘Guitarra Makaka: Danças a um Deus desconhecido’, 2015, Rastilho Records
‘Sudina’, 2020, Revolve
