To address the issue of art, sustainability, and ecosystems, we use the contributions of theories that address the sensory experiences of individuals as a means of social, political, and cultural analysis. These questions and themes that we explain here serve as a motto for the presentation of this book, which is divided into six parts that include 33 chapters in total. In the first part, the concept of ecosystems is addressed about physical spaces, namely cities and places. The second part concerns resistance, especially the idea of resistance against monopolies of power within the scope of artistic production. As a corollary, the third part looks at the theme of sustainability and pedagogy, serving and illustrating the purpose of sensitive DIY as a democratising agency in contemporary times. Therefore, the fourth part of the book focuses more on the theme of sensitivity and its impact on social agents, mainly how they communicate and create anti-hegemonic strategies, with a vital gender component in the chapters that make it up. Also important is the fifth part of the book, which – in overview – focuses on the theoretical-empirical materialisation, in different time spaces, of the concept of low-tech and high-tech related to ‘wild design’ or sensitive DIY. This thematic line is maintained in the sixth part of this book, focusing on collaborative creations and utopia.
Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! An Approach to Underground Music Scenes (Vol. 6)