The exhibition REVOLU(SOM) – 10 ANOS KISMIF coincides with the celebration of fifty years of democracy and ten years of the KISMIF Conference – Keep it simple, make it fast.
On the one hand, it presents a celebration of democracy, emphasising the words and sounds of freedom, particularly protest songs. On the KISMIF side, the main protagonists are a reflection of the latest editions of the conference, as well as what is a unique global forum, the event itself – due to its intersectional and transdisciplinary nature, giving rise to alternative cultures and DIY (Do-it-Yourself) practices. For the Graphic Office, we propose a sound and visual installation that is heir to forces and struggles that deserve reflection today, while at the same time instigating aspects of alternative scenes and DIY cultures, presenting this heritage through music and the intense intertextuality embodied in cinema and video, graffiti and urban art, theatre and the performing arts, literature, radio, programming and publishing, graphic design, illustration, fanzines and comics.