Ricardo Campos holds a Graduation and Master degree in Sociology and a PhD in Visual Anthropology. He is a researcher at CICS.Nova – Interdiciplinary Centre of Social Sciences (NOVA University Lisbon), Portugal. He coordinated the projects: Artcitizenship – Young people and the arts of citizenship: activism, participatory culture and creative practices (2019-2021), TransUrbArts – Emergent Urban Arts is Lisbon and São Paulo (2016-2020), both financed by FCT/MCTES. He is also one of the editors of the Brazilian academic journal “Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia” [Journal of Art and Anthropology]( https://cadernosaa.revues.org/), co-coordinator of the Visual Culture Group of the Portuguese Association of Communication Studies and co-coordinator of the Luso-Brasilian Network for the Study of Urban Arts and Interventions (RAIU). His publications include Arte(s) Urbana(s) [Urban Arts] (Húmus, 2019), Porque pintamos a cidade? Uma abordagem etnográfica ao graffiti urbano [Why do we paint the city? An ethnographic approach to urban graffiti] (Fim de Século, 2010) and Introdução à Cultura Visual. Abordagens e metodologias [Introduction to Visual Culture. Approaches and Methodologies] (Mundos Sociais, 2013). He has co-edited Uma cidade de Imagens [A city of images] (with Andrea Mubi Brighenti and Luciano Spinelli, Mundos Sociais, 2011), Popular & Visual Culture: Design, Circulation and Consumption (with Clara Sarmento, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014) Transglobal Sounds. Music, Youth and Migration, (with João Sardinha, Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, 2016), Political graffiti in critical times. The Aesthetics of Street Politics (with A. Pavoni and Y. Zaimakis, Berghahn Books, 2021), Exploring Ibero-American Youth Cultures in the 21st Century. Creativity, Resistance and Transgression in the City (With Jordi Nofre, Palgrave Macmilan, 2021).
Research interests
Artivism, youth, arts, cultures, artistic practices, social intervention, citizenship, alternative cultures.
Campos, R.; Júnior, J.L.A.; Meirinho, D. (2021). Olhares cruzados sobre arte, imagem e resistências urbanas [Crossed vision about art, images and urban resistance]. Iluminuras, 22 (56), 07-22.
Campos, R.; Panovi, A. & Zaimakis, Y. (2021). POLITICAL GRAFFITI IN CRITICAL TIMES. The Aesthetics of Street Politics. New York/Oxford: Bergham Books.
Campos, R. & Leal, G. (2021). Between the Street and the Gallery: Trajectories of “Pixadores” and Graffiti Writers in Lisbon and São Paulo. In R. Campos & J. Nofre (eds). Exploring Ibero-American Youth Cultures in the 21st Century (pp.199-221). London: Springer International Publishing.
Campos, R. (2020). Youth street cultures: between online and offline circuits. In J. I. Ross (ed.). Routledge Handbook of Street Culture. London: Routledge.
Campos, R. (2020). Digital Media, Youth and the New Grammars of Activism in Portugal. In R.M. Carmo & J.A.V Simões (eds). Protest, Youth and Precariouness. The Unfinhed Fight Against Austerity in Portugal. Estados Unidos: Berghahn Books.
Campos, R. & Câmara, S. (2019). Arte(s) Urbana(s) [Urban Arts]. Portugal: Húmus.