
The KISMIF Convenors welcome abstracts pertaining to the following topics, taking into account the KISMIF 2024 theme – DIY Cultures, Democracy and Creative Participation:

  • New spheres/platforms/processes/locations of cultural, artistic, and musical production through the use of cutting-edge digital technologies
  • Inter- and multidisciplinary approaches to socio-history, notably at the intersection of (bio)politics, new social movements, gender, and culture.
  • The role of social networks and the plataformization of culture and art(s) in the global political landscape
  • Specific contexts of independent artistic-cultural creation (cinema, music, documentaries, and street interventions) in relation to emerging dynamics of production, consumption and dissemination contesting capitalism.
  • The landscape of creative art, fashion, culture, and participation in post-dictatorial societies of the Global North and Global South
  • Developments in social theory around art worlds, music fields, artistic fields and local/trans-local/virtual music scenes
  • Art worlds and artistic careers: a contemporary approach to Howard Becker’s legacy
  • Art and cultural production in times of the Anthropocene: the preponderance of (eco)feminism in contemporary societies
  • Interdisciplinary environments, atmospheres, sounds and perceptions around music and DIY cultures: music in cities, musical cities, and post-musical cities
  • Musical-artistic-cultural productions as a form of resistance and social resignification
  • Typologies of tangible and intangible cultural heritage: global museification and artification processes
  • Theoretical and methodological challenges/dilemmas in investigating artistic and cultural differences in relation to contemporary political challenges
  • Sustainable spaces/venues and music-artistic consumption in a time of climate challenges
  • Subcultures, post-subcultures, scenes, post-scenes, musical-artistic-cultural ecosystems from North to Global South
  • The role/importance of social spaces/locations/territories in alternative music scenes and DIY cultures at local, trans-local and virtual levels
  • Citizenship, youth, aesthetic-political artivism and new forms of social, cultural and spatial (re)production
  • The archive and memory as a form of resignification of socio-history
  • Re-evaluation of the social, cultural and economic values of music, arts and culture in contemporary democracies
  • DIY Cultures, resistance, struggle and artistic-social contestation in relation to far-right political movements in Europe
  • Cities, youth and contemporary countercultural resistance/resilience in social, musical and artistic practices
  • The importance of the democratization of technology as a mode of individual and collective identity affirmation: the relationship with political, environmental and cultural activism
  • City, aesthetics, and gentrification: resistance to gentrification and the role of the State
  • Transitions towards sustainability in DIY youth scenes and new sustainable DIY (sub)cultures
  • The role of feminism, critical design and digital work as political, revolutionary and interventive research strands
  • Politics, intervention and artivism as central to the analysis of peripheral studies and artistic practices
  • Cultures and arts of sustainability and their relationship with resilience processes aimed at preserving diversity (social systems, and digital technologies, among others)
  • Gender, migration, diasporas, refugees, artistic/musical movements and cultural dimensions of inclusion and sustainability in contemporary times
  • The sociological forms of contemporary migrations and their relationship with artistic spaces and cultures of resistance
  • Undoing the gender(s): subjectivities, (cis)temic rupture and contemporary artistic-musical manifestations in relation to contemporary democracies
  • Pedagogies and interventions based on artistic/musical DIY and socio-ethnic justice
  • Totalitarianisms and the role of youth cultures and the arts in the constitution of (r)existences
  • The differences between real participation and real emancipation in relation to contemporary mainstream and underground art
  • The revolutionary role of fashion and music in contemporary resistance actions in relation to the emergence of totalitarian states
  • New social movements, at local, regional and virtual level and emerging artivist processes
  • Cultural heritage, strategies for artistic, musical, and cultural development, historical reparation and community development in the Global North and South
  • Innovative practices, Western democracy and contemporary nation-building projects, as well as with historical processes of Western (de)colonization and modernization
  • Digital arts, artistic co-creation and extended dynamics of musical-artistic and cultural participation involving stakeholders, social innovators and citizens
  • Arts, inclusion, music, wellbeing, mental health, and quality of life
  • Culturas DIY e participação criativa em relação ao conceito de crise (política, social, económica, cultural)
  • Arts-based research, securitization and the relation to the blurring/accentuation of real and symbolic borders (voluntary migrations, forced migrations, refugees, population movements and dynamics)
  • New aesthetic-political collaborative social movements and social justice
  • Festivals, events and the festivalisation of culture and material, symbolic infrastructure
  • Challenges and imagined futures in the design of policies for arts, culture and music
  • Arts-based-research and cultural policies in the Global North and South actively interfacing with communities, local, regional, or national authorities and sectoral social partners